New York: 631-753-3900
Florida: 561-279-1852
Toll free: 800-976-6691

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question for the answer

If all information is provided, the order will be scheduled for the next available business day unless a specific date is requested. If we are missing information and/or we have questions regarding your order, this will delay scheduling until the missing information is obtained.

You will receive an automated call between the hours of 5:30pm and 8:30pm the evening prior to your scheduled appointment.

Yes. Listen to the message and press option #2. Your appointment will automatically be rescheduled for the next business day.

Unfortunately, no. The times are based on when the technician will be in your area. You can always decline the visit for that day with the expectation that there may be a different time scheduled for the next business day, but there is no guarantee.

Fasting orders should be done by 10 a.m.

Click here to see our list of accepted insurances.

We do not schedule same day orders. When we receive an order from a doctor or agency, it is scheduled for the next business day unless a specific date is requested.

We try to schedule technicians for the same areas but due to scheduling needs, a technician may be required to service another area.

Standard tests are resulted the same day the specimen(s) are collected. The results are sent via fax to your doctor for review. Specialty tests are sent to our reference lab for testing and can take up to 5 business days.